Meditation and Practices
Mindfulness, a powerful tool for managing our lives, involves self-reflection and conscious control over our emotions, thoughts, and actions. This guide explores the practice of mindfulness, emphasizing the importance of self-connection, meditation, and physical wellness. It highlights how meditation can help maintain equilibrium across all planes of our existence - physical, breath (energy), emotional, intellectual, and bliss. Remember, these practices are a normal part of life, and each individual needs to find strategies that work best for them. Supportive adults and professional help can play a crucial role during this journey.
Deep Dive
Practicing mindfulness is a powerful tool for managing our day-to-day lives. Starting and ending the day with a moment of self-reflection can help us take charge of our emotions, thoughts, and actions. In the morning, setting an intention such as, “I am in control of myself, my emotions, my thoughts, my mind, and therefore, my day,” can set a positive tone for the day. At night, reflecting on the day’s events can help us understand where we maintained control and where we succumbed to external situations. This practice of mindful awareness can teach us self-control and conscious response.
In our free time, instead of unconsciously scrolling on our phones, we can connect with ourselves. Even a minute of self-connection can make the process of taking charge of ourselves effortless.
The spiritual element within us is essential for wealth to translate into well-being. As Sadhguru said, “For wealth to translate into well-being, you need a spiritual element within you. Without that, your success will work against you.” Meditation serves as nourishment for our growth and well-being on every plane.
We exist in five layers: the physical body, breath body (energy body), emotional body, intellectual body, and bliss body. To reach a state of bliss, all these layers need to be in equilibrium. Any change in one plane will affect the others. For instance, when we are happy, we have extra energy to do things. Meditation is the best way to maintain equilibrium across all planes.
Physical wellness is not about having a toned body but about having a fit body free from disease. We often put unreal expectations on ourselves based on societal standards or celebrity images. Instead, we should work towards building a fit and healthy body free from illness.
Meditation is about being in touch with ourselves. It helps control the random progression of thoughts leading to peace and happiness. It makes us aware of what’s going on in our bodies, minds, thoughts, and the world around us. As a result, we become more energetic, understanding, calm, and mindful. Meditation is an exercise that should be practiced daily. It has nothing to do with religion; it’s an exercise that lets you touch your own divinity.